"End of a Vulture"
The painting depicts F/L Saif ul Azam of PAF in a Hunter of Iraqi Airforce, firing at an attacking Israeli Vautour. Seconds later, the Vautour crashed and its pilot Capt. Golan ejected.
On one fine morning of 1967 Arab Israel War, a formation of four Israeli Vautour bombers escorted by a pair of Mirage, attacked Iraqi Airfield H-3, The formation was intercepted by four Iraqi hunters piloted by PAF, Jordanian and Iraqi pilots. Saif quickly shot down one Mirage (depicted in the background with ejected pilot) and then a Vautour. Another Vautour was also down by one of the hunters.
According to Maj Gen Mordechai Hod, Commander of Israeli Airforce, the loss of three aircrafts of his airforce made him feel almost as if he had lost the war!!!
F/L Saif had great distinction of shooting down four different aircrafts (Gnat of Indian Airforce (1965), Mystere, Mirage and Vautour of Israeli Airforce (1967). He was awarded by Medal of Bravery by three countries (